Fill in the Blanks with correct form of the verb given in the bracket.

Exercise 1
  1. By the time we _______ (arrive) at the theater, the movie _______ (already/start).
  2. She _______ (live) in Paris for five years before she _______ (move) to London.
  3. If it _______ (rain) tomorrow, we _______ (cancel) the picnic.
  4. I _______ (read) the book you _______ (lend) me last week.
  5. When I _______ (wake) up this morning, the sun _______ (shine) brightly.
  6. They _______ (finish) their homework before they _______ (go) out to play.
  7. By next year, she _______ (graduate) from college.
  8. He _______ (work) on the project since 8 AM and still _______ (not/finish) it.
  9. We _______ (wait) for the bus for half an hour before it finally _______ (arrive).
  10. I _______ (visit) my grandparents every summer since I _______ (be) a child.

Exercise 2
  1. She _______ (cook) dinner when her friends _______ (arrive).
  2. By the end of this month, I _______ (complete) the course.
  3. They _______ (play) soccer for two hours before they _______ (take) a break.
  4. When I _______ (see) him yesterday, he _______ (wear) a blue jacket.
  5. If she _______ (finish) her work on time, she _______ (go) to the party.
  6. I _______ (know) him since we _______ (be) in school.
  7. The children _______ (watch) TV when their parents _______ (come) home.
  8. By the time you _______ (get) this letter, I _______ (leave) for New York.
  9. He _______ (never/see) a lion until he _______ (visit) the zoo.
  10. We _______ (go) to the beach every summer since we _______ (move) to this town.

Answer Key
Exercise 1
  1. arrived, had already started,
  2. had lived, moved
  3. rains, will cancel
  4. have read, lent
  5. woke, was shining
  6. had finished, went
  7. will have graduated
  8. have been working, have not finished
  9. had been waiting, arrived
  10. have visited, was

Exercise 2
  1. was cooking, arrived
  2. will have completed
  3. had been playing, took
  4. saw, was wearing
  5. finishes, will go
  6. have known, were
  7. were watching, came
  8. get, will have left
  9. had never seen, visited
  10. have gone, moved

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