Sentence Reordering/Jumbled Words

Sentence reordering exercises involve providing students with a set of jumbled words or phrases, which they must rearrange to form coherent and grammatically correct sentences. These exercises can be tailored to different levels of language proficiency and can focus on various aspects of grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure.
Example: is / Stephen Hawking / renowned / physicist / a / and / cosmologist.
Answer: Stephen Hawking is a renowned physicist and cosmologist.

Exercise 1
Rearrange the following words to form a coherent sentence:
  1. a / healthy / essential / diet / is / maintaining / for / good / health.
  2. the / orbits / around / Earth / the / Sun / in / an / path / elliptical.
  3. botanical / are / gardens / places / where / grown / plants / for / scientific / educational / and / purposes / ornamental.
  4. invented / by / was / Alexander Graham Bell / in / the / 1876 / telephone.
  5. for / their / known / intelligence / dolphins / are / and / social / complex / structures.
  6. career / his / comedian / began / a / as / he / and / later / acting / into / transitioned.
  7. Given: first / airplane / the / by / was / successful / invented / Wright brothers / the.
  8. biology / is / study / the / of / living / involves / and / their / organisms / interactions.
  9. renewable / energy / resource / solar / is / a / harnessed / can / that / be / using / panels / solar.
  10. ancient / the / architecture / for / their / known / Greeks / impressive / are / and / achievements / artistic.
  11. often / books / reading / enriches / mind / our.
  1. A healthy diet is essential for maintaining good health.
  2. The Earth orbits around the Sun in an elliptical path.
  3. Botanical gardens are places where plants are grown for scientific, educational, and ornamental purposes.
  4. The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876.
  5. Dolphins are known for their intelligence and complex social structures.
  6. He began his career as a comedian and later transitioned into acting.
  7. The first successful airplane was invented by the Wright brothers.
  8. Biology involves the study of living organisms and their interactions.
  9. Solar energy is a renewable resource that can be harnessed using solar panels.
  10. The ancient Greeks are known for their impressive architecture and artistic achievements.
  11. Reading books often enriches our mind.

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