Reports should preferably be written in the third person. It would be good to use the passive form of the verb where the process being described is more important than the person carrying it out. They must be written in 150-200 words. The maximum marks are 5.

There are two main kinds of reports you have to write:

  1. A newspaper report
  2. A report for a magazine.
Here is a checklist of details you will need to include in each kind of report.




Place, Date:……

PARA 1……
PARA 2……
PARA 3……


PARA 1……

PARA 2……( can be 2 paras)

PARA 3……


Newspaper Report (event/ happening/ incident/ accident)

Para 1
  1. What happened
  2. Where it happened
  3. When it happened
  4. The people who were involved in the event
  5. Why it happened
Para 2
  1. How it happened ( details)
Para 3
  1. The comments/ remarks of people/the evidence from people
  2. The conclusions/your comment or recommendation (for future action)
Magazine Report (Event or Function)

Para 1
  1. The nature of the event
  2. The occasion
  3. The date/the time/the place
  4. The chief guest and other dignitaries
Para 2
  1. The programme description (details)
Para 3
  1. Remarks and quotes by the guests
  2. The comment on the programme
  3. The conclusion


Example of School Events

  • Day Celebrations (Grandparents’ Day, Environment Day, Children’s Day etc)
  • Workshops and Seminars (Career counselling, Stress Management, Disaster management etc.)
  • Competitions and events (Science Exhibition, Inter School Art Comp., Zonal Level Hockey, Essay Writing)

Value Points of Reports

(a) Accident/ calamity / disease outbreak/ robbery
  1. Catchy headlines- expansion of headlines in the first sentence itself is highlighting what/when/where.
  2. Give reasons, if any
  3. Details in brief
  4. eyewitness account
  5. casualties damage etc (if any)
  6. action taken, relief measures (if applicable)
  7. conclusion/comments
(b) Cultural/sports events
  1. Occasion/organizer / sponsor etc
  2. Date, venue, time
  3. Chief guest / special invitees
  4. Objectives & main highlights of the programme
  5. Prize distribution
  6. Message by the chief guest
  7. vote of thanks
  8. Over all response.
(c) Competitions
  1. Occasion/organizer / sponsor etc.
  2. Date, venue, time
  3. Name of the competition, level, topic etc.
  4. Participations
  5. Inaugural ceremony/welcome
  6. Chief Guest, judges etc.
  7. Highlights related to performances, result etc.
  8. Prize distribution
  9. Special remarks, if any
  10. Vote of thanks 
(d) Workshop / seminar /Talk
  1. What, by whom, for whom
  2. Date, venue, duration
  3. Guest speaker, panel of experts
  4. Chief Guest, invitees
  5. Activities undertaken
  6. Aids used- audio visual, charts, documentary, films etc.
  7. Literary or field activities, if any
  8. Interactive session including question-answers
  9. Experts comments
  10. Over all effect
(e) Rally/ campaign
  1. What/by whom
  2. Duration venue, places covered
  3. Objectives/ motto
  4. Activities undertaken
  5. Any display / educational material used: eg. Placard, banner, pamphlet etc.
  6. over all success
(f) Camp/ visit /exhibition
  1. Place, destination
  2. Organizer, sponsor (if any)
  3. Duration, date etc.
  4. No. of persons/ visitors etc.
  5. Description:
(i) Theme of exhibition, type
(ii) Places of sight seeing, food, scenic beauty etc.
(iii) Purpose & nature of camp, activities undertaken
  1. over all response


  • Grammatical Accuracy (use past tense)
  • Appropriate words and spelling
  • Relevance, Coherence and sequence



International Yoga Day Celebration

By Mahesh Dutta, Staff Reporter: The Tribune

Bhopal, June 21, 2023: Saraswati Vidyamandir, a beacon of holistic education, celebrated International Yoga Day with an impressive display of unity, wellness, and mindfulness. The event, held on June 21st, 2023, bore witness to the participation of students, parents, and esteemed Chief Guest, Shri Acharya Balkrishn, a renowned yoga guru and co-founder of Patanjali Ayurved Limited.

The school's sprawling grounds came alive with the serene ambiance of yoga mats and the soothing sound of collective breaths. Under the expert guidance of Shri Balkrishn, students and their parents engaged in a mesmerizing yoga session. The sun salutations, pranayama, and asanas created a tranquil atmosphere, fostering a deep sense of well-being.

Principal Dr. Pramod Mahajan emphasized the importance of yoga in nurturing both physical and mental health. She applauded the students for their dedication to yoga and encouraged them to integrate these practices into their daily lives.

The highlight of the event was Shri Balkrishn's enlightening discourse on the philosophy and science of yoga. His insights left an indelible mark on the participants, motivating them to delve deeper into this ancient art.

The International Yoga Day celebration at Saraswati Vidyamandir was a testament to the school's commitment to holistic education and well-being. It was a day where minds and bodies found harmony, setting a profound example for all.


Investiture Ceremony

Report by Sanjay Chauhan, XII D

On the auspicious morning of 5th August 2023, Dyanand Public School Meerut hosted its annual Investiture Ceremony with much grandeur and pride. The event was graced by the esteemed District Magistrate, Shri Deepak Meena. He, as the chief guest, added prestige to the occasion.

The Principal, Mr. Ananad Kumar Avasthi, welcomed the chief guest and motivated the students by highlighting the values of leadership and responsibility that the student council members would uphold. The school's corridors echoed with inspiration as he spoke. The ceremony began with a march by all the four houses with their newly elected prefects and the House-Masters. Then the talented class VIII students sang a stirring patriotic song which filled the air with the spirit of nationalism.

After the song, the council members and prefects marched spritely and majestically in sync with the beating of the drums to receive their badges and shashes. The captains and the prefects administered the oath with a promise that they would carry out their duties with integrity, faith and excellence. The Chief Guest congratulated the newly elected members and emphasized the need to be humble while holding responsibilities. This was followed by a mesmerizing Assamese Folk dance - Behu, presented by the talented class XI students, which left the audience enthralled and captivated.

The Head Girl, Jagrati Vishnoi, proposed the vote of thanks and the programme concluded with the singing of the National Anthem.

More Examples

Q1. You are Shridhar Krishnan, Head Boy, of Jeevan Jyoti Public School, Varanasi. Your school recently organized its annual day. Write a report for the school magazine for the same.


By Sridhar Krishnan

The Annual Day of the Jeevan Jyoti Public School, Varanasi, was held on Friday, March 2014 in the school auditorium. The auditorium was beautifully decorated with paintings and sculptures made by the students. The chief guest for the occasion was Mr. Vineet Jain, Chairman, CBSE.

The function began with the welcome of the Chief Guest, Mr. Vineet Jain, who inaugurated the function by lighting the lamp. The programme commenced with the Principal, Mrs. Khanna's address in which she welcomed the guests and read out the school report highlighting the achievements of the students.

The cultural programme began with a medley of popular numbers sung by the school choir. This was followed by a dance by the students of the middle school in which a harmonious blend of the east and west was seen. The finale was the much-awaited dance drama, Rani of Jhansi, in which students of the senior school were directed by Azad Khushboo.

During the much-awaited Prize distribution ceremony the chief guest presented the awards to the meritorious students in sports and academics. In his speech, Mr. Jain praised the multi-faceted students of the school. In her vote-of -thanks the Vice Principal, Mrs. Singh, appreciated the parent's involvement in the school's activities. The audience was unanimous in declaring this one of the best functions the school has ever presented. The items were unique, and the students did more than justice to their respective parts.

Q2. Write a report for your school magazine, on the Career Counselling held at your school for the outgoing batch of class 12 students.


By Rajendra, XIIB

Career Counselling Centre, Gurgaon organized a career counselling session for students and parents of class XII on 18th September 2019 in the school auditorium. Career decisions play a pivotal role to shape the future growth and development of students. In today‟s environment of multiple options, knowing about choices available helps children in their decision-making process.

The session commenced with the school Principal, Ms. Aditi Misra reiterating the importance of knowing one‟s potential and subject of interest before making a decision. She also laid stress on the right combination of subjects as per their aptitude which should be reflected in their academic performance. She emphasized on the importance of making informed decisions. The resource person for the session was Ms Kanika Marwaha, an eminent career counsellor. She is a prolific educator who has been associated with counselling and guidance for the past 32 years and is also the Founder and Director of University Options, an educational consultancy which draws upon vast experience and research, to offer comprehensive services to students and schools regarding decision making for the future.

The session aimed at making the audience aware of the multiple career options available. The session was informative and enriching for students as well as parents. And the resource person shared information regarding leading universities and various courses available. She urged the students not to make decisions based on family expectations and peer pressure. She guided the students to identify their interests and what they are good at. She also advised them to plan multiple activities during their vacations to hone their skills.

Q3. Write a report for your school magazine, Trip to Bhimtal, Nainital & Jim Corbett.

Trip to Bhimtal, Nainital & Jim Corbett

By Somashree Dutt

ITL Public School organized a 4 days / 4 night's trip for students of class XIIth to Nainital - Bhimtal - Jim Corbett from 17th to 21st May, in collaboration with New Horizons Adventures Pvt Ltd, as part of their Social Studies Project Work.

Departure took place from the school premises on the evening of 17th May 2019. After an overnight travel, students reached Bhimtal at 9 a.m. and lodged at Mapple Resorts nested among the hills and the lush green environment. During their two days‟ stay at Bhimtal the students had a rendezvous with beauteous surroundings of the town and went for sightseeing to different “taals”. On their return, bonfire and dinner, arranged at the hotel was thoroughly enjoyed by the students.

The second day was marked with adventure activities when the students were taken to Padampuri for an adventure camp. In four groups, the students performed activities like Cliff Jumping, Flying Fox, Commando Nets and Rappelling. The adventure, as a whole was enjoyed by the students and they learnt enough about physical fitness as well. After returning to the hotel, tired and exhausted, dinner and bonfire was organized which was a feisty treat for the students. Next day the group departed to Nainital where they were taken for boating at the Naini Lake and were given time at leisure for shopping and visit the Naina Devi Temple. Later that evening students were taken to Jim Corbett where a DJ party and dinner was organized for them. On 21st May, the students were taken for a Jeep safari early in the morning in the Corbett National Park where they got the opportunity to explore wildlife. Later that afternoon the group departed for Delhi.

The trip was a memorable one for all the twelfth-class students. Despite all the controversies, illness and the fights, this last trip was remarkable and will be a cherished memory for the students and the teachers as well.

Q4. You are Ankit, staff reporter of a national daily. You were asked to cover a science exhibition. Mentioning all relevant details write a report in 150-200 words.

Scientific Fervor Unravelled

Staff Reporter

Ahmedabad, September 30th: The School of Education organized a Science Exhibition wherein students showcased static and working models which can be used for learning various scientific concepts for children of the age group 13-18 years, to inculcate a scientific attitude and research-mindedness but also creating teaching aids.

The Exhibition encouraged students to participate in activities so as to understand the cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects of the task and was held as part of the National Science Day celebration carried out at School of Education.

Student-teachers from all sections of the School of Education participated in this activity and made models which are used as teaching aids during their school internship programme later. They had chosen topics from NCERT Science books from Standard Six till Standard Twelve. A teaching aid is a very effective tool to make the classroom experience of the student very real and meaningful. Dr Priyanka Banerjee took the initiative of encouraging the students to put up such a wonderful and enlightening exhibition. The judges appreciated the students asking them about the scientific concepts forming the foundation of the models. Students had prepared models like water holding capacity of soil, working of a windmill and jet car was showcased along with the DC Motor based models. Charts based on evolution of humans and biodiversity were presented well.

The program was appreciated by everyone since it encouraged students to develop a scientific fervor and an attitude of research mindedness so that they develop the qualities of analytical and critical thinking.

Example 5


by Anil Singh, staff reporter

New Delhi. February 14: A DTC bus crashed into a Maruti car this morning at 11 a.m. at the Moti Bagh crossing, killing the two occupants of the car and injuring fifteen bus passengers.

The bus, plying on route 617, was coming at high speed from Dhaula Kuan and did not stop at the red light. It crashed into a blue Maruti going towards R.K. Puram from Moti Bagh. According to eyewitnesses, the impact was so great that the Maruti overturned, and the bus smashed into the road divider. Policemen, who were on duty in the vicinity, rushed to the site. Mr. S. K. Jain (40) and his wife, Mrs. Neela Jain (35), the occupants of the car, were rushed to Safdarjung Hospital, but were declared dead on arrival. Fifteen people, travelling in the bus were injured and have been admitted to Safdarjung Hospital. Their condition is reported to be stable.

The driver of the bus, Ganga Singh (30), has been taken into custody. A case of death caused by negligent driving has been registered against him. This is the third accident this month at this busy crossing. The police need to take strict action against such rash driving to make the roads of Delhi safe and to prevent such tragedy.



  1. Write a report for the Times of India on the bomb explosion which took place at a marketplace.
  2. Write a report for the Hindustan Times on the visit of Prime Minister Narender Modi to the United States of America.
  3. Write a report on the International Conference on the Girl Child being held at the India International Centre.
  4. Write a report on the one day cricket match between India and Sri Lanka in Delhi.
  5. A Blood Donation camp was organized by the Red Cross Society of your town. As an editor of a leading newspaper daily, write a newspaper report covering the event.
  6. Consumption of tobacco and liquor is growing steadily in India. High Demands have lead to selling of adulterated liquor in the market. In Pushp Enclave Hospital, more than 15 people were admitted complaining, of nausea and stomach ailment after consumption of liquor from a liquor shop in that area. Write a newspaper report covering the event.
  7. Report on the curfew bound area in Srinagar.
  8. A Seminar on the importance of eye donation


Write a report for the school magazine on-
  1. The school Sports Day.
  2. The inauguration of the new science lab.
  3. The Inter school play competition held in school.
  4. The Blood Donation Camp held at school.
  5. The finals of the CBSE Heritage quiz held in your school auditorium.
  6. Book Week held by the Book Club in the OAT of your school
  7. A magic show which was recently held in your school
  8. Report on Cleanliness week held in your school.

Vocabulary for Report Writing

General Words for All Events:

  • Ceremony: event, occasion, celebration, gathering, function
  • Participants: students, attendees, audience, dignitaries, invitees, officials
  • Commencement: inauguration, opening, launch, beginning, initiation
  • Address: speech, welcome, keynote, remarks, presentation
  • Appreciation: commendation, praise, recognition, acknowledgment
  • Involvement: participation, engagement, contribution, collaboration

Specific to Investiture Ceremony:

  • Swearing-in: oath-taking, responsibility, delegation, authority, leadership
  • Leaders: head boy, head girl, prefects, council members, office bearers
  • Badges: sashes, insignia, emblems, honors, ranks
  • Roles: duties, responsibilities, portfolios, positions, tasks

Specific to Annual Day:

  • Performance: cultural program, display, presentation, exhibition, showcase
  • Achievements: accolades, awards, prizes, recognition, honor
  • Chief Guest: presiding officer, dignitary, special guest, invitee
  • Presentation: felicitation, token of appreciation, memento, souvenirs

Specific to Annual Sports Day:

  • Competitions: races, tournaments, events, matches, championships
  • Athletes: participants, players, contenders, sportsmen, sportswomen
  • Trophies: medals, awards, accolades, distinctions, prizes
  • Fitness: stamina, endurance, agility, strength, athleticism

Specific to Health Camp:

  • Check-up: screening, consultation, diagnosis, examination, testing
  • Health: well-being, fitness, care, medical, hygiene
  • Doctors: physicians, medical professionals, specialists, healthcare providers
  • Awareness: health education, prevention, care, hygiene, fitness

Specific to Yoga Day:

  • Practice: session, asanas, meditation, exercises, postures
  • Well-being: mental health, physical fitness, mindfulness, relaxation
  • Guidance: instruction, training, demonstration, coaching, leadership
  • Benefits: flexibility, stress-relief, mindfulness, health, concentration

Specific to Career Counseling:

  • Guidance: advice, counseling, mentoring, direction, coaching
  • Career: profession, field, occupation, vocation, opportunity
  • Future: prospects, goals, aspirations, ambitions, planning
  • Skills: aptitude, talent, capability, knowledge, expertise

Specific to Science Exhibition:

  • Projects: experiments, models, innovations, displays, demonstrations
  • Invention: discovery, creation, development, breakthrough, solution
  • Judging: evaluation, assessment, scrutiny, ranking, feedback
  • Participants: young scientists, exhibitors, students, presenters, contenders
  • Awards: prizes, certificates, recognition, appreciation, honors

Specific to Farewell Party:

  • Goodbye: send-off, farewell, parting, departure, bidding adieu
  • Memories: reminiscence, moments, experiences, recollections, nostalgia
  • Speeches: farewell address, message, tribute, acknowledgment, words of appreciation
  • Celebration: gathering, party, event, program, commemoration
  • Legacy: contributions, achievements, influence, impact, guidance

Specific to Teachers’ Day:

  • Tribute: respect, recognition, honor, gratitude, appreciation
  • Dedication: commitment, devotion, hard work, service, guidance
  • Teachers: educators, mentors, instructors, guides, facilitators
  • Students: pupils, learners, disciples, mentees, protégés
  • Celebration: program, function, festivity, observance, occasion

Specific to Workshops/Seminars:

  • Learning: training, instruction, coaching, education, enrichment
  • Participation: involvement, engagement, contribution, attendance, collaboration
  • Speaker: presenter, facilitator, guest speaker, mentor, instructor
  • Session: lecture, discussion, interaction, seminar, conference
  • Knowledge: insights, understanding, information, skill development, expertise

Specific to Environment Day:

  • Conservation: preservation, protection, safeguarding, care, maintenance
  • Initiatives: campaigns, drives, programs, projects, activities
  • Awareness: education, consciousness, mindfulness, knowledge, information
  • Sustainability: eco-friendly, green, renewable, conservation, recycling
  • Volunteers: participants, contributors, helpers, campaigners, activists

Specific to Art and Craft Exhibition:

  • Display: exhibition, showcase, presentation, arrangement, gallery
  • Artworks: paintings, sculptures, crafts, designs, creations
  • Creativity: imagination, innovation, originality, artistry, craftsmanship
  • Expression: emotion, inspiration, interpretation, message, theme
  • Talent: skill, ability, expertise, flair, proficiency

Specific to Independence Day:

  • Patriotism: nationalism, pride, love for country, loyalty, allegiance
  • Celebration: commemoration, observance, festivity, honor, homage
  • Flag hoisting: national anthem, salutation, respect, reverence, symbol
  • Freedom fighters: leaders, martyrs, revolutionaries, heroes, icons
  • Speeches: address, oration, tribute, discourse, message

Specific to Book Fair:

  • Books: literature, novels, publications, volumes, works
  • Authors: writers, novelists, poets, essayists, creators
  • Exhibition: display, showcase, collection, stalls, booths
  • Reading: literacy, learning, knowledge, education, enjoyment
  • Genres: fiction, non-fiction, poetry, drama, classics

Specific to Debate Competition:

  • Debate: discussion, argument, discourse, dialogue, deliberation
  • Topics: issues, subjects, themes, motions, propositions
  • Contestants: participants, debaters, speakers, contenders, opponents
  • Judging: evaluation, assessment, scoring, feedback, critique
  • Speech: argument, rebuttal, defense, point, statement

Specific to Blood Donation Camp:

  • Donors: volunteers, contributors, participants, givers, supporters
  • Blood: units, pints, types, donation, transfusion
  • Health: safety, well-being, fitness, care, medical
  • Camp: event, drive, initiative, program, effort
  • Saving lives: contribution, humanitarian, service, help, impact