Reading Passage 8


The 2010s will go down in history as a decade of a renaissance of healthy trends across the globe. The decade saw the rise and fall of numerous health and fitness trends worldwide. Past ten years were all about fermented food to non-dairy milk alternatives and numerous path breaking discoveries in the medical world. But some health trends took over the world by storm and will have lasting effects on the coming generations. Here we have compiled a list of the top 8 health terms that gained wide popularity in the fitness world for its promising health benefits and something that is going to stay in the coming decade.


The world witnessed the burgeoning popularity of gluten-free food products among men and women wanting to stay healthy and fit. Gluten is a protein found in most grains and as per some studies, following a gluten-free diet helps to manage the signs and symptoms of celiac disease and other medical conditions. The major source of this protein is wheat, barley and rye. Today, a plethora of gluten-free staples, frozen meals and snacks can be found in the supermarket that we even didn't know about years ago.


Detoxification or detox was a favorite buzzword this decade and as its popularity goes, it is here to stay for a while. A detox diet is an easy way to get rid of your body of toxins, which improves your health and promotes weight loss. The process of detoxification also includes making some small lifestyle tweaks.

[Source: Reader’s Digest]
1. What do you understand by ‘a renaissance of healthy trends’? 
a.) A new age of organic health products
b.) New methods of obesity control
c.) An age of new practices to keep healthy 
d.) An age of path-breaking discoveries

2. ‘But some health trends took over the world by storm.’ What does ‘took over the world by storm’ imply here?
a.) These health trends confused the masses
b.) The popularity of these health trends spread like fire
c.) These healthy trends became widely recognized and will remain so far for generations 
d.) Both b and c

3. What are the benefits of detoxification or detox process?
4. What is the importance of a healthy body to you?


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