Posters are placards displayed in a public place announcing or advertising something. Posters are notices, advertisements, and invitations—all in one.

The purpose of designing a poster is either to create social awareness about issues related to current problems and needs, or to advertise or even to extend public invitations and display notices.


  • Posters should be colourful, attractive and tempting.
  • They must be drafted carefully to attract the attention of the readers, excite their imagination and influence their minds.
  • Posters are read from a distance. Do not give many details in a poster. Highlight only important issue/issues.

1. Layout

  • Visually attractive/Eye Catching
  • Title-suggestive/catchy
  • Use slogan, jingle or short verse
  • Sketch or simple drawings
  • Letters of different size and shape
  • Proportionate spacing, etc

2. Contents

  • The theme or subject of the poster
  • Description or details associated with the theme
  • Essential details like time, date, venue (for an event)
  • Name(s) of issuing authority/organisation, etc

3. Expression

  • Phrases, slogans, persuasive language
  • Creativity in terms of content and design
  • Overall organisation and sequencing of the matter
  • Observe word limit (usually 50)

Example 1
You are the Director of National Agriculture Organization, Jaipur. You have to make the people all over Rajasthan state aware of the necessity of conserving water and also how to do it. Design a suitable poster to be inserted in the newspapers as well as being put up at prominent places in the towns of Rajasthan.

Rajasthan Needs You!




·       Rajasthan faces severe water scarcity!

·       Water is essential for life, agriculture, and the future of our state.

·       Conserving water today ensures a better tomorrow for our children and farmers.

·     Fix Leaks

·     Use Buckets, Not Hoses

·     Rainwater Harvesting

·     Limit Use

·     Recycle Water


Every drop counts. Your small steps today will make a huge difference for Rajasthan’s future!

National Agriculture Organisation, Jaipur
For more information, visit:

Example 2

Design an attractive poster for an anti-smoking campaign being held in your school on the occasion of World No-Tobacco Day.

Do not Smoke!

Save Yourself and Others


Smoking saps your strength, stamina and energy

and Brings ruin and death





Do you want to save your precious life?


Issued By: Ministry of Health, Govt. of India, New Delhi

Example 3

You are Rahul Singh studying in class XII of Saraswati Public School, Hapur. You want to contest the election for the President of Student’s Council of your school. Design a poster to appeal to students to vote for you.

Let Your Voice be Heard!

Get Out And




Only Who Deserves Your Vote & Support



(Student’s Council)

As we all know that he is a

True Friend                        Fine Orator

Good Sportsman              Intelligent

Supportive                         Resourceful


And above all a good worker for student’s welfare.

Example 4
You are the Publicity Manager of ABC TV Channel. Your channel is organizing a ‘Talent Hunt Show’ of college students to be telecast on your channel. Design a suitable poster giving necessary details.

ABC TV Channel Presents:

✨ Talent Hunt Show 2024 ✨


Calling All College Students!

Showcase your talents and shine on national television!


🎤 Singing | 💃 Dancing | 🎭 Acting | 🎨 Art & More


Auditions Open Now!

Audition Dates:
From 25th September to 10th October 2024


📍 Audition Venues:


Delhi: MN Studio, Preet Vihar

Mumbai: XYZ Stadium, Bandra

Bhopal: MR Palace, MG Road

Kolkata: City Hall, Park Street

Final Show Telecast

Grand Finale on

ABC TV Channel!

25th October 2024

Prizes & Fame Await!

Cash Prizes
Televised Performance Special Recognition



Hurry! Limited Spots Available!

How to Register:

·     Visit our website:

·     Contact: +91-9876543210

Follow us on social media:
📸 Instagram: @abctvchannel
👍 Facebook: @abctalenthunt


Let Your Talent Shine!
ABC TV – Where Stars Are Born!


  1. You are the Principal of an English medium primary school. Design a catchy poster to instill discipline in the children which can be put up in the classrooms.
  2. Design a poster for promoting the need for joining the Defense Services.
  3. Repeated floods in various flood-prone areas in India have resulted in unprecedented damage and destruction to both life and property. Educating people on the precautions to be taken is the need of the hour. Prepare a poster for creating this awareness.
  4. Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, is organizing a science exhibition in your school. Make an attractive poster announcing the event and inviting the public to visit it.
  5. Public taps are always faulty, and a lot of water is wasted. Design a poster in not more than 50 words to make people aware of the need for saving water. You are Swati/ Sunny.
  6. As an educationist, you have noticed that the present generation has lost the habit of reading. Design a poster in not more than 50 words highlighting the importance of reading and the value of books.
  7. Write out a poster to announce the sale of old sports goods. Imagine yourself as the sports secretary.

Reading Passage 13

Improving Attention and Effective Study Techniques

In today’s fast-paced world, distractions are all around us, making it increasingly difficult to focus on our studies. Attention plays a crucial role in how well we learn, and improving our ability to concentrate is essential for academic success. Attention is a cognitive process that allows us to concentrate on specific tasks while filtering out irrelevant information. It comes in two forms: selective attention, which enables us to focus on one thing despite distractions, and sustained attention, which helps us maintain that focus over time. Both types are vital for effective studying, and fortunately, there are strategies that can help improve them.

One of the most effective ways to enhance attention is by eliminating distractions. Since the brain is wired to respond to external stimuli, creating a quiet and clutter-free environment can greatly reduce interruptions. It is helpful to turn off unnecessary notifications, close irrelevant tabs on your computer, and use apps that block distracting websites. This allows the mind to focus entirely on the task at hand. Additionally, practicing mindfulness can significantly improve attention. Mindfulness involves being present in the moment, focusing on your thoughts and feelings without judgment. Engaging in daily mindfulness exercises or short meditation sessions can reduce mind-wandering and train the brain to maintain focus.

A proven time-management method called the Pomodoro Technique can also enhance concentration. This technique breaks study sessions into short, focused intervals—typically 25 minutes of work followed by a 5-minute break. After completing four cycles, you can take a longer break. These regular pauses help prevent mental fatigue, allowing the brain to stay fresh and maintain focus over time. Another important strategy for improving attention is active learning, which involves engaging with the material in an interactive way. Summarizing, asking questions, or teaching the material to someone else keeps the brain engaged, making it easier to focus and remember information. Passive activities like highlighting or simply reading through notes are far less effective compared to actively working with the content.

Regular physical exercise is another key factor in maintaining focus. Exercise improves blood flow to the brain and enhances cognitive function, including attention. Incorporating daily physical activities such as walking, running, or yoga can sharpen your focus and improve mental clarity. Similarly, getting adequate sleep is critical for sustaining attention. Sleep deprivation reduces cognitive function, making it harder to concentrate. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night to ensure that your brain is well-rested and capable of optimal performance during study sessions. Nutrition also plays a role in attention. Eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can boost brain function. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish and seeds, are particularly beneficial for cognitive health. Staying hydrated is equally important, as dehydration can lead to fatigue and difficulties concentrating.

In addition to these attention-enhancing strategies, there are well-established study techniques that can help improve learning efficiency. One such technique is spaced repetition, which involves reviewing material at increasing intervals over time. This method has been shown to enhance long-term retention of information and is far more effective than cramming all at once. The SQ3R method, which stands for Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review, is another valuable tool for improving understanding and retention of textbook material. Interleaving, or alternating between different subjects or types of problems during study sessions, has also been proven to enhance problem-solving abilities and promote deeper learning.

By minimizing distractions, practicing mindfulness, using the Pomodoro technique, and staying physically active, you can improve your ability to concentrate while studying. Techniques like spaced repetition, the SQ3R method, and interleaving can further enhance learning and retention, ensuring you make the most out of your study time. With these strategies in place, you can improve your focus, boost your academic performance, and achieve long-term success.

Based on the above passage, answer the following questions:

1. What is the primary factor affecting attention during studying according to the passage? 1
A) Lack of exercise
B) Poor nutrition
C) Distractions in the environment
D) Insufficient time management

2. Which study technique is mentioned as helping to prevent mental fatigue?                          1
A) Spaced repetition
B) Pomodoro Technique
C) Interleaving
D) SQ3R method

3. What role does mindfulness play in improving attention?                                                    1
A) It enhances physical stamina for studying.
B) It helps in recalling previously learned information.
C) It increases the amount of study material covered.
D) It helps reduce mind-wandering and trains focus.

4. Which cognitive function is most affected by lack of sleep, as discussed in the passage?     1
A) Attention and concentration
B) Memory retention
C) Decision-making
D) Problem-solving skills

5. Which statement best describes active learning according to the passage?                    1
A) Reading notes passively
B) Highlighting key points in a textbook
C) Teaching the content to someone else
D) Skimming through material quickly

6. What does the Pomodoro Technique consist of?                                                             1
7. Which nutrients are important for improving brain function?                                         1
8. What cognitive process allows us to filter out irrelevant information while studying?1
9. What is the role of mindfulness in improving focus during study sessions?     2
10. Explain how spaced repetition improves long-term retention of information.   2